Arts & Crafts

Hands On Creative Fun!

Craft Stations, Paint Parties, & Jewelry Making

Craft Station

We orchestrate age-appropriate crafts that are sure to add artful flavor and encourage self expression and creative genius in your guests. Unique and creative projects include decorative jewelry treasure boxes, tissue paper princess flowers, decoupage, nature tees, basket weaving, no-sew dream pillows, masks, jewelry making, magnets and more.

We have two crafting options for you:

Step by step guided crafts:  These are led by one of our party crafters and generally take 20-60 minutes to complete, depending upon the chosen craft and the age group. This option is great for events like birthday parties, camp programs, or crafting parties. Be sure to also check out our Cute-N’-Cuddlies Workshop.

Just stop by and jump right in crafts:  These are quicker style ‘simpler’ crafts and are geared for guests to pop in at any time. We can provide a party crafter to assist, or we can set-up supplies with samples and instructions and it can be a DIY craft station. This option is great for events like company picnics, trade show tables, festivals, fairs, or kids’ nights where guests are coming through at different times.

Paint Party

Host a 'Paint and Wine Party' for adults or a 'Paint and Snack Party' for kids and we'll bring the palettes, canvas, easels, and instructor to lead your guests step by step to paint their own works of art.

So get ready for the next Picasso in the making!

Jewelry Making

Making jewelry is always a fun craft. We have projects for children using beads and balloons or projects for adults using colored wires and beads. Your instructor will lead guests step by step to create their own customized jewelry that they can be proud of.

So host a girls night or a Mom's night out and make something beautiful!

No matter what the project or the occasion, our craft experts will make your event fun and everyone will leave with a special gift all of their own making!

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